Sabtu, 12 September 2009

Protect Your Teen Son of Use Credit Card Mistakes.

  • Teenagers easily swayed by gifts. Sometimes just a small gift such as t-shirts or mugs, teenagers persuaded to fill out the application form of credit card ownership.
  • Teenagers sometimes still less responsibility in terms of financial behavior. In this case sometimes because of lack of knowledge and good financial habits.
  • Until now, still very few schools that teach about personal finances, especially credit cards. If you do not teach personal finance and introduce a more specific or more credit cards you will see that your child will probably learn of the promotion or advertising that might mislead.
  • Teach your child about the budget. In the case of personal finance, budget or expenditure does become very important.
  • Limit your credit card limit is only for emergency needs.
  • Determine what is included in the emergency needs or not. Tell them not to use credit cards just to have fun with friends.

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Jumat, 11 September 2009

Mode of data theft

credit card detected in at least three ways, namely:
The first mode :
Start from the conventional, ie stolen credit card data when owner transaction at the checkout. Before the credit card swiped at EDC, the card was swiped on small devices, skimming devices
who can read and record data on magnetic stripe cards original credit.
Mode it can be anticipated by the owner of the credit card, carefully observing behavior at the checkout clerk. This mode also requires cooperation with officers store (merchant). Deep this mode, a stolen credit card data is usually more selective, ie the type selected platinum.
The second mode :
officers of the company that menyervis EDC engine silently embed chips into the machine menchant EDC at various time Pyra-pretending to serve. Chip that will tap the card data credit. After a while, the same service officers back to pretend to check the EDC machine. And he took again his chips.
Third mode :
a more sophisticated technique is to do wire tapping or eavesdropping on data telecommunications networks. This technique could very widespread in Asia conducted in 2005-2006. In wire tapping technique amount of the stolen data could be very much that the potential losses could be enormous. In this technique the entire data types of credit cards, silver, gold, or platinum, come on tap.

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Rabu, 09 September 2009

Control Credit Card Activity

Control your credit card activity. Limit the use of credit cards and try to pay in full each billing. Payment of his minimum payment only, will only make you pay the bills that do not interest a little. Also, try to 'loyal' to one kind of credit card, and use in times of urgency. Use a credit card will not make you pay an annual membership fee is doubled.

Good Luck

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Tips & Avoid Scams Credit Card Account

Increased theft of personal data has become a frightening specter for everybody. This could have happened to you, and even more frightening when the theft of this data was not aware of.

Then how to prevent these things happen to you? Here are the ways of prevention you should look.

Not carrying birth certificates, passports, other important cards if they are not urgent
The documents contain information on a very important person. Through the data on the card, one can browse other data about ourselves. By not carry these documents, then you minimize the risk of loss. Save the document in the most secure place in your home or at the hotel where you stay.

Watch your bank account online as often as possible
You must be alert to the movement of the balance in your bank account. Most financial fraud carried out unconsciously. Note the balance of change even though only USD 10 thousand, because it can be, that's one form of fraud.

Do not store any credit cards in one wallet
Carry only one credit card in your wallet, and keep the rest at home. This method not only prevents you from easily tempted to swipe a credit card in many a time, as well as minimize the risk of potential losses when you carry a wallet missing.

Be careful when using public computers
Each computer can be infected with spy programs (spyware). A spy program can record each user's computer keyboard typing. So if you're logged in and typed passwords online bank accounts or shop online for example using a public computer, could be a cracker (malicious hackers) and then use these data records to break down your credit card

Do not use debit cards to shop online
Using a debit card online is very dangerous. Because, if a data thief can find your debit card number, he can empty your account in just five minutes.

I hope this information is useful and makes us be vigilant.


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Minggu, 06 September 2009


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