Jumat, 11 September 2009

Mode of data theft

credit card detected in at least three ways, namely:
The first mode :
Start from the conventional, ie stolen credit card data when owner transaction at the checkout. Before the credit card swiped at EDC, the card was swiped on small devices, skimming devices
who can read and record data on magnetic stripe cards original credit.
Mode it can be anticipated by the owner of the credit card, carefully observing behavior at the checkout clerk. This mode also requires cooperation with officers store (merchant). Deep this mode, a stolen credit card data is usually more selective, ie the type selected platinum.
The second mode :
officers of the company that menyervis EDC engine silently embed chips into the machine menchant EDC at various time Pyra-pretending to serve. Chip that will tap the card data credit. After a while, the same service officers back to pretend to check the EDC machine. And he took again his chips.
Third mode :
a more sophisticated technique is to do wire tapping or eavesdropping on data telecommunications networks. This technique could very widespread in Asia conducted in 2005-2006. In wire tapping technique amount of the stolen data could be very much that the potential losses could be enormous. In this technique the entire data types of credit cards, silver, gold, or platinum, come on tap.

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